(PS2, PC)
We have received complaints about various connection issues that
players are currently having. We apologize for the inconvenience, and
would like to provide people with an update on how you can minimize the
occurrences of these issues.
Server/Client vs. Peer to Peer
25 to Life uses a Peer to Peer network protocol. The game is actually
played with all the PS2s completely in sync. This requires more
bandwidth than PC games or client-server games like SOCOM 3 and
Counter-strike. Since every PS2 in a game must be in sync, limited
bandwidth on one player's internet connection, inappropriate firewall
restrictions, or incorrect network setup can detract from other
participants game experience - and could result in lag, or disconnects.
The 25 to Life servers only handle Clans, Friends, Accounts, and
Matchmaking. A few of the issues can occur in the matchmaking process,
and we are taking steps to minimize some of these occurrences. Recently
the issue where players would receive a "failure to report stats"
message has been fixed. If any players receive this message, please
contact Eidos via our forums.
In addition, issues where players encounter a failure when joining a
game can occur if they join a game after the status of the game has
changed. To reduce these type of errors, we recommend that you join
games with a low ping number, and multiple available slots.
Creating private games amongst players that have approved router and
connection settings should drastically reduce the amount of errors you
receive in game as well.
Addressing Cheating
We are aware that players are using codebreakers to cheat online. These
players are in violation of two parts of our Online Agreement, and
their accounts will be banned and their statistics will be reset. We
ask for your patience while we deal with these players.